Chronicle Of The Year Gone By: Nov 2020- Nov 2021
How much can change in a year?! It is more of a subject to fondly think about, rather than just a question, for the both of us in Fernandes house. From being a bride and a groom we have become a husband and wife. From two people ready to take their wedding vows to two people living those vows. If we were to sit down and "count our blessings" in the past year, we would surely run out of pages in a notebook! When what happens in reality is a thousand times bigger than what one had dreamt or asked for, no form of expression does it justice. Looking out our balcony door in the living room, scanning for a ship in the distance; my thoughts go back to the day two young people promised each other, with God as their witness, that no matter what comes in future they would look at it together. No! it is not easy to keep promises... we with our human limitations are prone to fail, but the One who doesn't fail is Whom we had looked up to right at the beginning of "us". And s...