Dadu: Arun Kumar Das (29th Dec, 1937 - 14th June, 2020) |
This morning as usual, I woke up with the sound of sparrows chirping outside out window. Looking at the date on my night stand I remembered that it's been a year since my beloved Dadu (grandfather) had gone to be with the Lord.
I have loved sparrows as a little girl and even now these little birdies are my favourite. Some of my fondest memories of childhood include sparrows and Dadu. We used to love watching and talking about sparrows while sitting on his courtyard on a sunny winter afternoon. Last summer when he went to be with the Lord even though I was broken, the fact that He went to be with the Lord provided me solace... Dadu has been my favourite and he had always loved me with a fondness (and firmness when needed) that I can never describe in words, but the warmth of which will always stay in my heart. When I look at these little sparrows, my thoughts drift back to Dadu and how much influence his life has had on me growing up and even now.
There is nothing great about sparrows. They are neither big nor exotic, neither brightly coloured nor do they sing the sweetest. They are the most common species of bird, and are found almost everywhere in the world. Quite often, it is the common and regular things in life, that are often overlooked. But interestingly the word of God has something to say about the sparrows:
Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows (Matthew 10: 29-31)
. God cares about the small insignificant sparrows, but He cares for us even more. How often it is that we fill our heads with the worries of life: jobs, house, enough savings to sustain us throughout our lifetime... but what we forget that everything we have is from God. It is from His abundant grace that we receive our surplus blessings.
Dadu's Bible |
Dadu's life is an example of how the Lord takes care of us even if all we have is a humble heart to live and serve the Lord. I can't think of a time when I heard him worrying or grumbling about the lack of anything. Even when times weren't that great, he did find His happiness in the Lord. Children observe and learn from their parents, and they also observe and learn from their grandparents. And I am blessed to have had Dadu's companionship for 28 years of life. He taught me from the word of God and he taught me through his life. Sunday worship and weekday meetings were important for him, and so was his personal time with the Lord. He loved reading and meditating on the word of God. His old Bible with scribbled notes is a reminder to me that true blessed life comes from living with and for the Lord.
One of my favourite things to do in the morning hours is to look at the bush across the road. There's nothing out-of-the-world gorgeous about this bush except that a family of sparrows live there. Those little birds are like a constant reminder of the fact that we are precious to the Lord and that we are safe in his hands.
Gospel Hall: Asansol, Circa 1978 |
Beautiful and pleasing words.