An Anxious Afternoon

Living in the 21st century 'anxiety' is one such term that everyone is well experienced with. Be it about an examination result or a job interview and sometimes even before signing your house rental agreement!! Even though in medical terms anxiety is defined as a 'mental health disorder', I personally feel it is all about a restless mind and worrying heart.

Growing up as a single kid and trying to deal with most of my problems by myself, I had encountered this old friend called 'anxiety' long back during my high school days. But I had also learnt one key aspect about anxiety, no matter how many powerful and effective medications scientific technology comes up with, the best way to deal with it is talking to someone. I strongly believe that family and friends are never far away and that one needs only to stretch out the hand.

I have come across people who have been totally grasped by their anxiety disorders. If seen along these lines, anxiety might seem like an addiction problem that keeps taking the person lower into the pit if one doesn't deal with it in time. But what interests me are those people who in spite of  their high levels of everyday anxiety and stress have successfully dealt with this issue and/or are dealing with it. One of my favourite idols and the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, many believe, suffered from severe anxiety and depression. Well given his position and responsibility, that wouldn't be shocking!! But what's remarkable that he was never shrouded by his anxiety. He is remembered today for his clear ability to think and decide and successfully lead a nation in times of great crisis and disorder. Some believe meditation helps in dealing with anxiety. Well I agree to it, as I find reading the Bible of great help and soothing when anxious. Then again Adele has a quite fun remedy for her anxiety. In her own words "when I get nervous, I try to bust jokes. It does work"

Like I've already said living in a fast paced world brings in its own share of anxieties, worries and nervousness. But every problem has a solution. All one needs to do is pick the solution that helps them the best. And I wouldn't be doing justice to this post if I don't put in the special recipe to deal with anxiety by a friend of mine... "Lie down on the bed, dim the lights, plug in the earphones, play some songs, close your eyes, and start counting sheep" 
