The Cup Of Retrospection

Some say life is all about moving on forward. But I feel life is a lot about moving forward with a lot of retrospection. Contrary to popular belief that looking back brings in complexities in life, I feel that unless I keep looking back from time to time and analyzing how my life had been ten or fifteen years back I can't keep running!!

Growing up in a bubbly little town and then moving to Kolkata and then moving further away to Bangalore, my life's graph has had equal troughs and crests. Growing up as a single kid, the most common concern a lot of people had about me was if I'd grow up to be a person who doesn't know the words compassion and sharing. But I guess my mum always had it in her to prove the common ideologies wrong (Lord knows she still loves proving people wrong!!)

In the walk of life we come across so many people, grow close to few of them, and some of them stay for life. But most of the times what we forget is that we too fall in the category of "so many people", "few of them", and "some of them"... Sometimes we chose not be "few of them" or "some of them"... We just remain as one among the "so many people".

I haven't written anything specific in this post... It's just about those rumbling thoughts that hop about in an over thinker's mind in a sloppy afternoon! 
